Thursday, November 13, 2008

speed up your BT client

if you are one of the BT (bittorrent) users like me , then here is a tip for you!
as you already know BT or other p2p clients make many TCP connections simultaneously. in Windows XP or Windows XP sp1 there was no problem with that, but in windows xp sp2 or sp3 or Vista Microsoft has limited the number of simultaneous TCP connection attemps to speed down the spreading of computer worms. with this limit you can have only 10 attemps per seconds to make connections.

do you want to see if you have any problems with this limitation? and is it slowing you down? so go to the System log in Event viewer of Administrative Tools in Control Pannel and look for tcpip warning. Event Code is 4226 and description says: "TCP/IP has reached the security limit imposed on the number of concurrent TCP connect attempts."

there are patches to remove this limit. the patchers will replace the tcpip.sys file with the new one. you can get a backup of your original tcpip.sys file. patchers will increase the number of HALF-OPEN connections. meaning you can TRY to connect faster to more IPs/Ports.

win xp sp3 pather:
in this patcher you can set the maximum value by yourself. note that default value in Win xp without limitation was 65535.

for win xp sp2:
this patcher by default sets the value to 50.

this must change the internet speed a little bit, specially for p2p file sharing clients.

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