Thursday, April 30, 2009

Centralized Network Management

since I recently became a network administrator I was looking for the best centralized network management solution . and since all devices in our network is made by Cisco, I went to the Cisco website. That helped me! I found a program called Cisco Network Assistant (CNA). I even didn't know what was the devices IPs! but simply by providing the subnet mask CNA searched the entire network and it detected Cisco devices after approximately 26 minutes. after that simply I created a community with all detected devices. simple and beautiful!
It is really nice to manage the whole network just from a single workstation. but it would be better if we had multiple monitors connected to that PC. one for monitoring and the other for navigating and configuring and remote control and other operations.
CNA can configure, monitor and troubleshoot the devices in your network. Also I think I need to use MRTG and SmokePing too. both are free and very useful. and both of them are platform independent and they work with RRD and some Perl components. maybe I'll talk about configuring MRTG and SmokePing latter.

there are many tools out there. and if you know about other handy network tools, please let me know.


Unknown said...

i will be proude of you :-),why dont you call me,i think i can help you about this,so its not fair if i'm ask you & you dont.

Unknown said...

hi soheil, what's up man?
hey if you used some tools before, you can tell me which one is better and more usefull; so i'll go for it. we can discuss it here on the web so others can use it too.
so tell me about it.