Sunday, January 13, 2013

Honeypots in MANETs

long time, no post!
Recently I was busy with my study and  also work! so no posts here!
In November 2012 I published an article titled "Use of Honeypots along with IDS in Cluster-Based MANETs" in American journal of Scientific Research (AJSR). and here is a link to it:

While this is just a conceptual model, but I intend to work on the details and realization and also implementation. But for now I'm working on a project in cloud computing. It turns out I have to do it as my MSc final theze. Anyway if you had anything to say you can comment here!

since there are some changing going on in the website, the above link is not valid right now. so here is a link to the pdf file:


Unknown said...

I am also researching on the use of honeypots in MANETS as my Dissertation.
A little help might come in handy!!

Unknown said...

That's an interesting subject and in MANETs it's quite new. I was looking to some embedded hypervisors to verify the implementation possibilities. but right now I'm super busy with other stuff! anyway I wish you success!!
And if there is something you think I can help with, just tell me. I'd like to help if I could.