Monday, November 9, 2009


Having a bad day? Feeling unmotivated? But you don't know why? Check out your biorhythms now!

do you know anything about Biorythms? it's about certain life rhythms or cycles. this means your life is based on some rythmic biological cycles. this life cycles are about the emotional, physical and intellectual abilities. yes according to this theory, all of them are based on some cycles that periodically repeated! this cycles are based on some sin & cos functions.

A physical biorythm cycle completes one life cycle in 23 days. An emotional biorythm cycle is 28 days, and an intellectual biorythm cycle is 33 days.

so if there would be a day with all the cycles on the lowest amount, that day is not a good one, and in the opposide side if you have a day with all the cycles on the peak, that is your day! these days called critical days.

if you need more information use the following links:

here is a simple Biorythms calculator. it calculates your biorythms based on your DoB. so give it a try!